The Metaverse is a digital world created from a blend of various elements from our natural world, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). The concept originated from a 1992 novel by Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash. Stephenson used the term to describe the meeting place of avatars in virtual worlds and 3D buildings. The Metaverse is technically an extension or a better version of what happens on the web2 internet; for instance, shopping using virtual currencies, connecting with others, gameplays, entertainment, etc. However, the Metaverse presents a better version of these things by allowing users to see and interact with them in 3D. It provides a virtual reality space, allowing users to interact in a computer-generated environment. This interaction happens in real time. It is a collective virtual shared space created by combining virtually enhanced physical reality and physically present virtual reality. Hence, considering the concept on a larger scale, the Metaverse is beyond a mere social network. It is a virtual world that enhances how we interact and connect over the internet. INTRODUCTION: WHAT IS METAVERSE? One can access this world using virtual reality headsets, computers, and mobile devices.

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